Monday, 29 June 2015

Why you need marine charts

Florida  nautical maps
If you're an avid boater or fisherman, you've got all the best gear money can buy; rods, reel, trim tabs, GPS, VHF radio. You pour through magazines and blogs searching out more stuff to get for your boat, put in your tackle box, or bring on your next outdoor adventure. But do you have one of the most important items with you? An item that those lost in the Ten Thousand Islands would have killed for? It contains information that fishermen on Lake Okeechobee have searched for years. What are these magical tools? They're nautical charts!
What? Are you serious? You're telling me people would kill over a nautical map? Let's explain. Say you're boating through the Ten Thousand Islands (like our example above). If you haven’t been there yet, the Ten Thousand Islands is no joke. It has that name because of how many islands are located in the area. It’s definitely an easy place to get lost if you don’t know your way around. You have a GPS and it's working just fine, it has all the charts you need and you’re making your way around. But all of a sudden it cuts out. What's going on? You don't have time to think, you just need to know where you are and where you're going. You pull out your phone. No signal. If your boat was equipped with paper marine charts, you'd be ready to go, no sweat. Having navigation charts is a matter of being prepared for anything that happens on the water.
Nautical charts also benefit fishermen. How? Specialized fishing charts from Waterproof Charts take local information from professional fishing guides and incorporate that knowledge into the nautical maps. That means every fishing chart whether offshore, lake, river, inshore, contains valuable information that the everyday fishermen is constantly in search of. This information comes from years out on the water, and it's provided to those who have Waterproof navigation charts.
Bet you're convinced now! So grab your Waterproof Nautical Chart, head on the water, and be confident in the knowledge that you are prepared for everything nature can throw at you.

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